Our Health Model

The Health Advice Therapy Model
July 13, 2012

The Health Advice Therapy models is based on common questions asked by health care clinicians. Health care workers all have their own criterion for helping people. They learn their protocols from their professional schools. Science helps clarify what is important and what needs to be dealt with first. Each health care profession focusses on their own services, as is expected. To help people help themselves we draw on all these consultation questions that professionals use then build an Action Plan customized to the answers received.

Advice is based on the advice traditional medical doctors, and some science based complementary practitioners would give. Result scores are initially delivered in 38 categories on a consultation Self Help Progress Chart so clients who take the online consultation can see their results, can see how they sore in relation to most other people and can see their red flagged sores easily. This leaves people able to make intelligent decisions about what to work on first.

Many people want more help and want one-on-one attention. To that end workshops are provided over the internet. These workshops supply a comprehensive Report of Findings that give recommendations based on each score. It also supplies an eight item prioritized Action Plan to get the client started.

Health care practitioners can use the Self Help Progress Chart in a variety of ways. They can ask to see the progress chart of their patient then focus on red flag items only or can concentrate on specific items in the list of 38 scores.

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